K1 Speed Toronto Spring Race League Recap

K1 Speed Canada Spring Race League Recap

Article written by Daniel Demaras


K1 Speed’s Challenge GP race league has drawn to a finality after 5 weeks of close and fast competition. Drivers of all levels of experience and speed were welcomed into the series, and everyone raced hard, going for the glory of being K1 Speed Toronto’s first ever Challenge GP champion.


Every round, the drivers were split up into three groups; the pro class, intermediate class and the rookie class. Drivers would be assigned to a group based on qualifying times, where they’d get to compete against drivers of similar skill levels.


After the first round, Terry Mueller led the championship ahead of Kevin Lazarus with Alejandro Liverant and Alessio Alves tied for third. Lazarus struck back with a victory in round 2, with Alves and Liverant moving up to second and third respectively. After missing the first round, Daniel Demaras finished second in round 2 before winning in round three in a close battle with Kevin Lazarus. Demaras won again in round 4, with Alejandro Liverant and Alessio Alves finishing ahead of Lazarus, setting up a three-way battle for the championship in the final round. Despite Alves' late race overtake on Demaras, he couldn’t catch Kevin Lazarus, who dominantly won round 5 and the championship. Alessio Alves finished 2nd in the championship, ahead of Alejandro Liverant, Daniel Demaras and Victor Bonofiglio.


Though the other classes did not award enough points for the drivers to contend in the overall championship, they did feature some super exciting racing. Anthony Gabrielli, Chris Demaras, Victor Zdanski, Victor Bonofiglio and Alexander Paglia all won races in the intermediate and rookie classes, in some of the league's most closely contested races.


Though the competition on track was fierce, the atmosphere off track was relaxed. Everyone congratulated one another on their efforts and helped each other improve as drivers. Even on track, the drivers were very sportsmanlike, with no intentional collisions, and lots of clean, close and fair racing. By the end of the competition, all the drivers had improved greatly, and have become some of K1 Speed Toronto’s quickest. Stay tuned to see when the next Challenge GP race series will begin at the Downsview Park location, where every racer can enjoy state of the art karting on an incredible track, with a Paddock lounge perfectly designed for the after-race celebration and wind down. You could become the next racer to reach K1 Speed’s podium, earning racing glory. It’s always a brilliant time, with zero emissions and 100% adrenaline.


Zero Emissions, 100% Adrenaline 


Daniel Demaras is a 15-year-old karting enthusiast who shares his passion for karting on both the outdoor and indoor tracks, including K1 Speed. Daniel races for Professional Racing Ontario.  Learn more about Daniel on his website www.demaras.com