The Best Go-Karting Skills: How to Drive Like a Champion Go-Kart Racer

There's no need to be bored when you have go-karting! 93% of Canadians spend more than 20 hours a week watching television. Most people sit and watch TV because they feel they have nothing better to do.


You can catch up on your latest shows, or better yet, you can catch your friends on a racetrack. Go-karting is a great activity that offers plenty of exhilaration. But you should practice your go-karting skills before you hit the track.


What should you do before you get into your kart? How can you speed up and turn inside your kart? How can you pass your opponents? 


Answers to these questions will help you reach go-kart mastery. So, try out these tips, get the edge, and let victory be yours!


Study the Track


You will be unable to follow any go-karting tips if you don't know what you're racing on. So take a few moments before the race begins to study the track.


If you can arrive ahead of time and watch a race before yours, you should do so. However, if you want to get a head start, we have a map available on our website for you to review.


Figure out where the turns and straights are. Then, watch other racers maneuver their go-karts and find the right moments for passing. 


Each track has its guidelines that all racers are required to follow. You must understand and follow the rules of the track. Safety is our top priority to ensure everyone has the best time possible at K1 Speed!


Use All Parts of the Kart Properly


A go-kart is not exactly like a car. It has an accelerator, brake pedal, and a steering wheel, but that is where the similarities end. Something essential to keep in mind - the brakes on most go-karts only affect the back wheels. This means you have to brake hard instead of easing into a stop. 


The steering wheel will turn your kart with slight adjustments. However, the wheel is very responsive so avoid turning too quickly! Many riders also lean to one side or the other while turning. This is a natural response when taking a corner, but is not the most efficient way to sit. It’s best to sit squarely in your seat to keep your weight distributed evenly as you approach each corner.


Even if you are experienced with go-karting, you should spend time practicing before any race. You should get a feel for how you can perform turns and straightaways. 


Junior karts are designed for young people aged 8-14 years old and 48"-58" or taller. Adult karts are for racers 14+ and 58" or taller. Our staff are more than happy to assist you with the proper kart selection.


Leverage Your Weight


Your kart may be heavier than you. But your weight can still make a difference in how your kart operates.


Learning how to corner in a go-kart is all about using your weight. As you take a corner, you should lean in the opposite direction of your turn. For example, you should lean to your right if you are going left. 


This stabilizes your kart, so your centre of balance remains toward the middle. Once you're done with the corner, you can straighten up and go forward easier. 


While moving forward, you want to keep your body as firm as possible. This will keep the kart balanced. Sit upright in your seat with your head on top of your spine. Do not lean forward, especially while you are turning.


Make sure you keep your hands on your steering wheel at all times! Shifting your hands may mean you pull the wheel to one side, which slows your kart down. Every second counts in a race so keep your hands firmly on the wheel. 


Follow a Line


The optimal racing line is the line that creates the fastest possible lap. Therefore, try to pursue the optimal racing line whenever possible. Yet that is not the only line you can follow. For example, the outer line is longer than the optimal line, but it lets you make wide turns and keep most of your kart's momentum. So, if you are looking to learn about go-karting, it's a good idea to play it safe and consider following the outer line. 


When you're ready to take things seriously, the inner line is the shortest path around the track. Yet you must execute precise turns and go at low speeds into a turn and accelerate out of it, which takes much more practice.


You can spot the lines by watching how other racers navigate the track. You should decide which line you want to pursue before you start racing. Changing lines can slow your momentum and prevent you from strategizing in the middle of the race.


Overtake Your Opponents Quickly


Learning how to overtake in go-karting requires practice. There is no one way to overtake another racer. 


In general, you should try to accelerate when you are behind another kart. However, you should stay within your lane and keep the steering wheel straight. 


Make sure you have enough space to pass by your opponent. If there isn’t enough space, wait patiently for another opportunity to pass so when an opponent makes a mistake, you’ll be ready! 


Safety tips for driving can still apply to go-karting. If you’re in the moment, remember to focus on where you’re going above all else. If you can do so safely, look to see if you have space between yourself and them. Always try to leave a few seconds of distance between yourself and them.


Learn the Best Go-Karting Skills


Go-karting skills are simple yet tough to master. Therefore, you should study any track you are about to race on and spend plenty of time practicing with your kart.


Fight the urge to lean into your turns or flop around in your seat. Instead, remain upright and grip your steering wheel tightly.


Try to pursue the optimal racing line. Give yourself plenty of room to pass other racers and go at a fast speed as you do so.


You don't have to drive far for great go-karting. Contact us today.